
UNIPULSE | Press machine demo with portable force indicator F490A

UNIPULSE | Press machine demo with portable force indicator F490A

21 Sep 2022
Portable force indicator F490A - Compact, lightweight thus handy! - Record measured data with one-touch operation - Up to 6 calibration value can be stored - Variety of information displays (Measured value, graph, recorded data) Each button type load cell is equipped with a "load button" that is used to measure load accurately. Install a load cell with load being applied perpendicularly to the load button and measure the load value. For more details: https://www.newpages.com.my/v2/en/company/727140/product/214063/3654136/F490A-Portable-digital-inicator.html iMS Motion Solution (Johor) Sdn Bhd Tel: +607-8635240 Email: info@ims.com.my #ims #imsmotionsolution #unipulse #f490a #portableindicator